What is SEO:
SEO is a new term or topic for most peoples or technical experts because it is an upcoming field of digital marketing but play most important role to optimize the website or web page of search engine result page. You can define as:
“SEO or search engine optimization is the process of increasing the visibility of the website or web page. In simple words we can say that SEO helps to rank a website or web page of prominent pages of Google, Yahoo, Yandex and other search engine”
The main advantage of this term is that, it is organic search (free), means you have not to pay for the search result and traffic of your website like PPC. We will also discuss about PPC but after getting complete SEO tutorial.
Computer and internet has changed our life and made it easy. Now a day we get help from internet to go to visit historical place, find best restaurant, education center, colleges etc. We go online and search our need to get more knowledge. People who want to make carrier in SEO, also search tutorial of SEO with the keyword “Best SEO tutorial”, “complete SEO tutorial”, “SEO tutorial for beginner”, “SEO tutorial for experts” etc.
A career in SEO:
There is more scope in SEO, it has a bright carrier because we are being digital day by day, and most of the work is done online. Companies, organizations, schools, colleges, shops, etc. develop websites to go online and want to appear on the first search result so that more and more traffic comes to their service or product. Due to such demand SEO is being the favorite of everyone. It is a pre-professional development program that is taught in most educational centers.
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Advantages of SEO(Search Engine Optimization):
Search engine optimization is full of advantages and becoming a carrier-oriented course. It helps to optimize the website or web page to rank on search engines (like Google, and Yahoo). You do need not to pay for the ranking because it is free. If traffic comes to your site and clicks, visit the site then you do need not to pay for that.
Qualification Required for SEO:
10+2 or higher education (no limit)
Salary After this course:
Salary depends on your knowledge, communication skill, and experience but it is sure that if you have good knowledge then you can get the industry’s best salary with a bright future.
What is a Search Engine?
The search engine is a software program that is helpful to search information on WWW (World Wide Web). There is so many search engine available on the internet but Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, AOL, and Ask.com are more popular. When you search with the topic or voice, the search engine collects the data that matched your criteria or requirement and then display it on the result page. The most relevant and optimized website displays good rank like (rank 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …..).
Note: SEO helps to display your website on a high rank. If you have developed and designed a website but it is not optimized then it is like a showpiece.
How did Search Engine work?
The search engine works on the basis of the index, there is a crawler of the search engine which visit the web pages and make a copy of it and add the URL to the index (stored in the database). As the user search for any product or service, it displays the indexed web pages which are optimized. Websites display with a rank that depends on the website speed, like, bounce rate, DA, PA, Content, Title, Description, loading time, etc. For example:
Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. are search engines, so as you open the browser and type the search engine URL or address in the URL box then it displays a search box where you type the keyword. After that, you click on the search button and wait for its result. You see that so many results appear on the result page and there are others also that display on different pages (2,3,4…….).
Google Search Engine
Bing Search Engine
What is a website and why do we need to optimize it?
A website is a collection of web pages that contain articles/content, images, videos, animation, etc. You need to optimize the website because without optimization your website will not get a high rank and also not display on the first page of search results. As we know that most websites having top 5 ranks get 60% clicks or visits so a non-optimized website will not be profitable and act as a showpiece or dummy.
Support you are searching for a product or study-related information than generally what do you do?
Your search with the keyword and go to the relevant web page or website which is on the first page and especially on the top 5 ranks. Like you, others also do the same so go through SEO to achieve organic search results.
The technique of Search Engine Optimization
Complete SEO tutorial focusing on the technique of search engine optimization. There are two techniques of search engine optimization which are given as:
i) ON Page Optimization
ii) OFF Page Optimization
Before applying the technique there are some other tips that are more important. It is competitor analytics, market research, target location, etc.
ON Page Optimization:
If you focus on the name of the technique, it is very clear that the technique applies to the own website which needs to optimize. Since a website or web page contains content/Article, Title, Description, URL, images, videos, etc., you need to optimize them first.
- Always use fresh and informative content which should not copy
- Apply a focus keyword for every web page and it should not match with the other focus keyword of the same website
- Write the informative Title, description, and content
- Use ALT tag with image and also optimize it
- Use keywords in Title, description, and content, and also maintain the density of the keyword.
- Maintain Keyword proximity
- Interlink web pages
- Apply sitemap.xml file
- Apply robotics file
- Use Google webmaster
OFF Page Optimization:
OFF Page optimization is another technique of SEO that plays the most important role. The main purpose of the optimization is to get backlinks or outbound links from other sites like bookmarking, directories, article sites, classifieds, forums, FAQ,s etc.
OFF-Page Technique Terms:
Complete SEO tutorial focus on each and every term of OFF page optimization which are listed below:
- Article Posting/Blog Submission
- Bookmarking
- Directory Posting
- Classified or Ad posting
- Slides Posting
- Video Posting
- Link Exchange
- Forum Posting
- FAQ Posting
- Guest Posting