Facebook ad is a another way to increase traffic on your website or Facebook page. Here some ways are given to increase Facebook ad conversions to help you to get more traffic on your page or website.
We will talk about video engagement ads retargeting video ads and we’re also going to talk about no link messenger bot ads and we’re going to talk about who you should be targeting there’s a fly we’re gonna be talking about who you should be targeting the right audiences to have effective ads and my aim for the knowledge to go out there and start creating your own highly effective ads.
If you’ve ever felt lost with Facebook ads or you felt like you’ve hit a brick wall that’s why this post is good because I have tested hundreds and ad spent thousands and thousands of dollars so that you don’t have to and you can read this post and pretty much learn what to do and what not to do and also if you just ran out of ideas and you need like a refresher you can get some cool new strategies with this post.
Video Engagement Ads
- So the first thing to do is you want to create a video ad with no links just to spread awareness this is a really really big one so you’re creating a video for your company whatever your company may be and you’re putting that on your Facebook page now you’re putting that on your Facebook page and you’re gonna then advertise it but you know gonna have any links leading out of Facebook because Facebook don’t really like that you want to try and keep your cost per engagement as low as possible.
- The way to do that is to have no links so the aim of this video ad is just to get as many views as possible you can get a hundred thousand views on this that means you’re gonna have a huge audience that you can retarget who already know of your product and then you can take it a step further and make another ad targeting there’s a hundred thousand people and then another AG ad targeting those people too you whittled down an audience that know you so well you then create a final ad that leaves them out of Facebook to your product but they know you so well the conversion rates are going to be absolutely massive.
- Try make it anything between two to five minutes nothing too long try make it as engaging as funny as everything that’s possible post it to your Facebook page with some sort of caption description whatever remember no links none of that stuff you just want to spread awareness for the message in the video so if your video is about your personal training you just want to just talk about whatever you want talked about but don’t mention of course don’t mention any coaching literally just spread awareness all the different things here you want to create an engagement ad over here so click engagement and then you want to do sorry.
- I lie you want to do the video views one not the engagement one and you want to go through set your daily budget whatever it may be let’s just say ten dollars continue go through create your ad when you get to the the last bit which is this bit you want to choose your page and so here you can select your page you can then find that ad from the drop-down event which will show up over here and you can start the ad and then you want to have that ad running for maybe a week you really want to get that audience going the the clicks should be quite cheap the view should be quite cheap because you’ve got no you’re not leading them out of Facebook.
- Facebook have no reason not to show you write to anyone and once you’ve built up quite a large amount of views you then go into audiences you’ve got audiences let’s leave the page and you create a new custom audience you how to do that so you get create audience custom audience and then you do it based on all they’ve change this based on video okay so you do video.
- You choose your video so people who have watched three second or 10 seconds 25% 50% I like to do 75% unless I might add video has a blooper reel at the end which is the same length of the video so if the video is four minutes I have four minutes of blooper reel I’m asked I’ll make sure they’ve watched at least 50% because that means they’ve watched the bulk of the video.
- So click that and you choose the video from the drop down over here once you’ve done that you enter the name of the audience and you click create orience once you have that and you go and create an ad you’ll be able to select as the targeting you’ll be able to select this audience because why not so here in audience you can click the custom audience.
- You can select from the drop-down whatever it was where you can search for it and that’s that and then do that a few times like I said at the beginning and you’ll build a really really really targeted orders to people who know your brand and are ready to buy anything you give to them when you eventually make an ad with a link so that’s the first one .
No Link Messenger Bot
- Let’s go to the second one the second one is the no link messenger bot strategy so it’s the same idea of not having a link leading them out of Facebook and instead of doing that you get them to comment so you make a video ad or a photo ad and on the ad in the description of the ad at the top it says comment yes if you’re interested or comment yes if you like this or comment anything like that comment yes if you want to learn more right then you get a whole bunch of people commenting yes and we’ve done.
- This ad and we’ve got literally hundreds and hundreds of people commenting yes and you go into I forgot the name of it the messenger bot chat it’s called chat but I believe many chat it’s called many chat not chat watch cool mini chat so you’re going to mini chat and I’m not gonna make this is no affiliation here I’m not gonna have any feelings for you you can set up a whole thing with this that when people comment yes they immediately get given a message to the inbox saying.
- I can see you commented yes maybe you want to learn more watch this video and then at least I’m into like a whole kind of email sequence but with Facebook messenger which is where it’s going now everything’s in Facebook Messenger and then you leave them down a funnel and eventually to sign up to your email list or you maybe even buy something that you’re selling so that’s that I find is a huge huge one because again Facebook haven’t really caught on with you leading them out of Facebook because it’s happening after they’ve watched the ads so that allows you to get really really cheap.
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Who To Target
- Final the final one is who to target and why so I’m gonna say who you should target so the reason why this is so important is because you need to end up with a super targeted list of people and the only way to do that is by talking the right people your Huntress target the whole world or everything like that so firstly you want to have your list your audience when you’re creating an ad you want to have it about fifty to three hundred fifty thousand people.
- So that should be the size and in terms of who to target so if you want to target people who are in the entrepreneur niche or in the sports and fitness niche or the personal training each target books and magazines that should be your first like port of call who you should target because if they’re reading books and magazines they’re going to be quite dedicated to that topic so targeting the people.
- Who read specific books and magazines will yield a much more targeted audience then you want to then then you want to then then you want to target influential people in that market so if you’re if you’re doing a business and entrepreneurship you might want to target people like Grant Cardone or Gary Vaynerchuk people like that but maybe not them because they’re very very big but smaller people who are so influential right now there’s a cool way.
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