Bootstrap is the only most famous front-end desigining framwork use to design modren, attractive,mobile responsive design, dynamic user interface.Professionals always prefer Bootstrap to design a web page.Its not only use by the HTML developers also used by the React Js,Angular Js, Node Js developers.
Bootstrap is open-source and free package or tool or code collection of css and Javascript(Jquery) create a dynamic layout websites or applications.Bootstrap consists many HTML CSS code which makes a very attractive framework for developers use.Bootstrap also allow or provide many third party components that which required our project or developer.Bootstrap provide a best way and helps to decrease our load to maintain our work and many files.
Bootstrap have may versions but only two versions are very popular yet. Bootstrap 3 or Bootstrap 4. Now Bootstrap 5 has launched many features like cards, flexbox, filters and many more.
Bootstrap have many options to install in projects
- Install Bootstrap using CDN (A content delivery network) which is very popular and easy way you just need a internet connection during you worked on project.CDN decreases the folder size and improve the loading speed.
- Downloading Bootstrap from the official site of bootstrap. This method is usefull for only those people who work without internet and learn bootstrap.
- You can also install or generate bootstrap project using famous javascript methon NPM.npm provide a bootstrap package to install via npm run some command.
npm install bootstrap
Bootstrap 5
Bootstrap has released Bootstrap 5 alpha version in june 2020 with major changes and including many new options or components.
Whats New In Bootstrap 5
In Bootstrap 5 Jquery will be removed for ever. Jquery is very reach scripting library offers efficient web scripting to almost every web developer.Many javascript popular framework are present in market like React js, Angular Js, Vue js, Ember etc which have strong community nowadays so that Jquery is not be more popular in modern time these framework have more effective and faster performance.Although it might due to this reason bootstrap 5 also not to be depend on jquery more. By using this frameworks developer get better control and maintenance on over code.
Switch to Vanilla JavaScript
All modern web browser chrome, firefox, safari also many browser, console, games, and many mobile phones have JavaScript interpreters, only due to these reason JavaScript getting most famous programming language in the world.It also a very simple less weight, easily run on browser. Bootstrap 5 is now support Vanilla JavaScript.
You can read more about JavaScript Framework
Switching from Jekyll to Hugo
Hugo and Jekyll are both is a static site generator used to build websites with the use of easy navigation like WordPress, Joomla or Drupal. Bootstrap 4 integrated with jekyll but Bootstrap 5 has a major changes so they switch on Hugo. Hugo written in Golang where as Jekyll in Written in Go language.Hugo is more light, faster easy to configurable and easily used.
Custom made SVG Icon Library
In Bootstrp 3, there are Glyphicons are introduced, In Bootstrap 4 offer developers to use icons or svg according to there need.And now Bootstrap 5 has introduce own SVG icon library which is awsome now any one can use SVG directly without adding any cdn or file link.
Remove Internet Explorer 10 and 11 Support
Due to the Javascript code which need to be compiled to ES5 instead of ES6 Bootstrap team decides to remove the support for Internet Explorer which is good because many old browser increases the size of the project which create the problem during loading.
Class Updates
1) Responsive font sizes with RFS v9 implementation 2) Add Full-Screen size to Modal 3) Set gutter width in rem instead of px 4) Removed .form-row 5) Removed .form-inline 6) Removed position: relative from cols 7) Removed card decks 8) Removed .list-inline , line-height, inline-block 9) Removed global box-sizing